Secret of Evermore Wiki

The Skeletal Boatman is a character met in the Desert of Doom. He can be found at the extreme northern and southern ends of the desert.

In exchange for an Amulet of Annihilation, the Skeletal Boatman will ferry the player across the desert. The trip takes about 40 seconds, much faster than a trek through the desert, and the player will avoid all enemies and take no damage from the desert heat. When riding with the Boatman, the player will only pass and see about 20% of the actual desert but still somehow have reached the other end.

Foul Language Detected

The Boatman ups his fee

If the player or dog their name have foul language in them like "fuck" or "ass", the boatman will charge the player 3 amulets. This is the only known instance in the game where foul language is checked. A name like "Cassie" will also be regarded as such, since it has "ass" in its name.


  • The boatman calls the player by several different names: "Chief, Sport, Jack, Sparky, Ralph, Skipper, Junior". Every message box will use one randomly generated name to address the player.
  • After the player has ridden with the boatman multiple times, he will tell the player that he will be quiet because the player has already used his services before.

